REPLAY: Life After MLM with Roberta Blevins

Every August, I take a sabbatical from podcast recording to enjoy vacation time with family and friends and allow you to enjoy for the first or second time four previous podcast episodes that I found tremendously helpful and entertaining. 

Other than travel and family time, I’ll also be doing A LOT of prep work for some exciting changes happening to Financial Gym this Fall. You will not want to miss my September 1st podcast episode. I will have a lot to update you on as far as the podcast but also as far as the Gym. So I hope you enjoy this month of replays and stay tuned for very exciting updates in September.

REPLAY: A recent Financial Health Network Survey from 2022 found that only 23% of women are considered financially healthy. There are a number of reasons for this, but one of the main reasons is that women are typically more likely to be preyed upon, especially when it comes to schemes like MLMs or multi-level marketing companies. If you’re not sure what they are, they’re essentially a pyramid scheme disguised as a business opportunity for people. At the Financial Gym, we’ve unfortunately seen the negative financial impacts participating in an MLM have had on hundreds of our members. Joining me today is Roberta Blevins, host of the podcast Life After MLM to share what the experience was like for her and how you can spot and avoid MLM’s and if you’re in one, how and why you should get out of it. This was one of the most fascinating conversations I’ve had in a while and I hope this helps you or those you love learn more about these horrible companies. 

What are we drinking?

Roberta - Coffee with hazelnut and whipped cream 

Shannon - Black Cherry Schweppes 

Podcast Notes

  • This topic is near and dear to Shannon because at The Gym, they've seen hundreds of clients exposed to this and see the financial impacts MLMs can have.  

  • Roberta was in LuLaRoe, a very famous MLM, and when she left, she eventually helped expose it in a lawsuit and documentary. When she first got out, she was confused and quiet, just lurking in the Anti-MLM community, sharing memes and facts. She started talking to folks in groups and going live, asking people questions. 

  • When quarantine started, she wanted to do something and step into the public spotlight. She was going through a divorce and moved in with her mom and wanted to find a way to spend the time she had. She loves telling stories and listening to others, so she started a podcast. On Valentine's Day 2021, she published the first episode of Life After MLM. It began with her starting her own story and reaching out to her community to see if anyone wanted to tell their story. The outpouring was huge, and she's got two months' worth of episodes recorded, and it's not slowing down.  

  • She knew the documentary was coming out and would spark some interest, but her podcast basically exploded overnight. It's been three years and 156 episodes. That's 156 real stories from survivors. 

  • It's important to tell these stories. Some products aren't bad, but the delivery system is corrupt. The business model is not legitime, but there are bits of legitimacy along the way. 

How do you identify one of these companies? 

  • Check out their website. If you can't figure out the company name, it's a huge red flag. 

  • If you can find a name that seems RIDICULOUS, that's a sign. These companies have ridiculous names or use weird accents and spellings. They have a 'Stupid Name Check' on Roberta's podcast. 

  • If you're embarrassed to say the company's name, that's a sign. 

  • If they're a member of the Direct Selling Association, or DSA, run for the hills. Not all MLMs are part of the DSA, but if they're part of the DSA, they're likely an MLM. 

  • There is a lot of double talk. If something feels weird, pause because it's worth exploring that further. 

  • Phrases like 'join the business' or 'become a member' can be a red flag. MLMs are different from being an affiliate or ambassador. If you're 'joining a team' and are expected to have others join, that's probably an MLM. 

  • It can be confusing because they use legitimate business lingo. Still, these messages differ from legitimate recruiters for companies or internal career advancement opportunities, or a bonus for referring a candidate. 

  • Even with all these red flags, these companies firmly exist, with new ones opening each year. This keeps happening, which is why it's essential to talk about it. 

What advice do you have for anyone who has been recruited and is feeling shame? 

  • Don't be afraid to get out. The money commitment is not a good enough reason to stay. You have to walk away. MLMs bank on the sunk-cost fallacy. 

  • Everything you do financially is fixable. If the finances are worrying you, that's the easiest to fix. 

  • These businesses are systematic and built for 1% of people to be successful on the backs of everyone else. They create a funnel that draws you in, takes your money, spits you out, and blames you for doing something wrong. They are demanding, cruel, and use manipulation techniques. 

  • It's not always black and white. Some folks rise to the top, see how it works, and ignore it. Some folks do everything 'right,' and they never see success. If you 'fail,' you succeed in the system because it is designed this way. 

  • Anybody can be recruited into an MLM, but vulnerable populations are especially susceptible; these companies know and exploit that. 

  • Roberta is working towards change in two ways: getting the rules and laws changed and educating people through her podcast and social media. 

  • Changing laws takes time; even when successful, there will always be loopholes. That's why the education aspect of the work is equally important. 

  • If you were in an MLM or are in one now, know that you are not dumb and are not a failure. It's not wasted time and energy because you learn a lot through the process, and not all lessons are fun. 

  • You are not alone; a community of people like Roberta is here to listen to and support you.

Takeaway: My biggest takeaway comes from the Kenny Rogers song The Gambler, you gotta know when to hold them, know when to fold them and know when to walk away. Don’t let sunk costs keep you holding on longer than you need to. You can walk away and know that those costs were just part of greater life lessons you needed to learn.  

Random Three Questions

  1. If you didn’t have an MLM podcast, what would your podcast be about?

  2. What is a show you’re currently binging?

  3. If this was your last meal on earth, what would it be?

Connect with Roberta 

TikTok: @bertalikewhoa
Podcast: Life After MLM
Support Group: Life After MLM : The Group | Facebook 

If you have any topics you would like me to cover on this podcast, or if you’d like to get in the financially naked hot seat, I encourage you to email me at, or join the private Martinis and Your Money Facebook group, and let me know what you want to hear.

A recent Finhealth study revealed that only 31% of Americans were financially healthy and only 23% of women and only 15% of black people were. Financial health is a crisis in the US but it doesn’t need to stay that way. At the Financial Gym, we’ve spent the last 10 years working one-on-one with our members to help them achieve their financial health goals with a 90% success rate and with memberships starting as low as $35 a month Financial Gym is not only the inflation-proof source for financial wellness for anyone but also a trusted and capable partner for your financial wellness journey. So head over to or send friends to and schedule a warm-up call today.

As a reminder, our Warm-Up call team is staffed with amazing and current Financial Gym clients that can answer any of your questions about our program without any pressure to join. We just want to find out where you are so we can help guide you down the path of what you hope to become. The call is free, so you have nothing to lose.

If you have any topics you would like me to cover on this podcast, or if you’d like to get in the financially naked hot seat, I encourage you to email me at, or join the private Martinis and Your Money Facebook group, and let me know what you want to hear.

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